Tooth-Colored Fillings Plano

A Pretty Way to Treat Tooth Decay

Smiling bearded man with a tie

Even if you always brush and floss, there’s still a chance you’ll get cavities or tooth decay. There’s no reason to feel ashamed – this fact applies to everyone. That said, you don’t have to rely on unhealthy metallic fillings as a solution. We at Antoon Family Dental offer a superior alternative: tooth-colored fillings in Plano! This treatment option will protect your teeth and enhance their looks. If you’d like to learn more about it, just keep reading or book a visit to our office.

Why Choose Antoon Family Dental For Tooth-Colored Fillings?

  • A More Natural Way to Protect Teeth
  • Dental Insurance Welcome
  • Children and Adults Can Receive High-Quality Care

What Are Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Illustration of tooth with tooth-colored filling

Simply put, fillings are artificial materials that repair teeth. Dentists use them to “fill” holes left by tooth decay, cavities, and similar damage. That way, the treated pearly white is safe from bacterial harm.

Tooth-colored fillings, per their name, are those shaded to match your enamel. They blend seamlessly with your surrounding smile, and affected teeth don’t look like they had cavities in the first place.

These quality results are due to the fillings’ material – composite resin. Made from plastic and glass, this substance is metal-free and fairly safe. Tooth-colored fillings, then, don’t cause the allergies associated with metal ones.

The Process of Getting a Tooth-Colored Filling

Dental mirror showing tooth with cavity

In truth, getting a tooth-colored filling isn’t time-consuming. All it usually takes is a one-hour dental appointment.

Meanwhile, the procedure’s steps are pretty simple. Dr. Antoon will first numb your mouth, ensuring the filling work isn’t painful. (You could add sedation to this process, too, if needed.) When that’s done, he’ll remove the decayed enamel and clean your tooth’s interior. Lastly, Dr. Antoon will apply the filling, adding layers until your lost enamel is restored.

Near the treatment’s end, our team will add the finishing touches to your results. In particular, we’ll harden, sculpt, and polish the filling. From there, your tooth will be ready and healthy!

The Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

Older man lying back in dental chair and smiling

You'll enjoy various benefits once you’ve gotten tooth-colored fillings in Plano. The most common of these include the following:

  • Better Oral Health – Tooth-colored fillings aren’t metallic, so they don’t trigger metal allergies. They also don’t expand or contract with temperatures, reducing your risk of chips, cracks, and fractures.
  • Beautiful Results – Since tooth-colored fillings are custom-shaded, they blend in with other teeth. Plus, they won’t turn the surrounding area of the tooth gray as metal fillings do.
  • Tooth Preservation – Unlike metal versions, placing tooth-colored fillings removes little enamel. Treatment thus preserves much more of your natural tooth structure.
  • Lower Sensitivity – The resin in tooth-colored fillings shields nerves in the tooth’s center from aggravating stimuli. As such, this filling procedure doesn’t cause major tooth sensitivity.
  • High Durability – On average, a tooth-colored filling will last roughly seven years. Its lifespan can even run longer if you provide proper care. Better yet, this filling requires little maintenance beyond standard oral care – brushing, flossing, routine dental visits, etc.