Sedation Dentist Plano
Overcome Your Dental Anxiety with Sedation Dentistry
Does the sheer thought of visiting the dentist cause a wave of panic to come over your body? You’re not alone. In fact, almost 60% of patients struggle with mild to severe dental-related anxiety. Thankfully, our sedation dentist in Plano at Antoon Family Dental can provide you with a relaxing experience with one of our safe and reliable dental sedation options. We can help you overcome your dental anxiety with choices like nitrous oxide sedation or IV dental sedation. Whether you need a simple cleaning or a more complex treatment, contact our office so we can help you get the dental care you need stress-free!
Why Choose Antoon Family Dental For Sedation Dentistry?
- Two Types of Dental Sedation Available
- We See Same-Day Emergency Appointments
- Multiple Payment Options Provided
Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous oxide (commonly referred to as laughing gas) is an inhaled sedative that is delivered through a mask piece that is placed over the nose. The mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen forms an odorless gas that allows patients to remain conscious and in a deep state of relaxation. Your limbs may feel heavy or slightly tingly, but overall, you will remain comfortable for a peaceful, pain-free experience. Throughout your time in the treatment chair, you’ll be able to respond to questions and communicate as needed. However, the calming effects may also cause you to doze off. Our team will be able to easily wake you. Once the sedative is stopped the effects dissipate nearly instantaneously. You will be able to drive yourself home or go back to work right after your treatment!
What Is Recovery Like?

Since nitrous oxide does not have any lingering side effects, there isn’t a “hangover” outcome like other sedatives. Instead, you will be able to recover nearly instantaneously. However, Dr. Antoon will provide you with follow-up instructions specific to your treatment, which may include when you can take pain medication, food restrictions, and how to keep your mouth infection-free. As always, our team will make sure to review the paperwork with you and answer any questions you have before you leave.
IV Dental Sedation

Are you anxious just thinking about going to the dentist? According to researchers, anywhere between 50 and 80% of adults in the United States have some degree of dental anxiety. In fact, more than 20% of anxious patients don’t see their dentist on a regular basis. That’s why at Antoon Family Dental, we offer IV sedation to help patients get the essential dental care they need despite having severe dental anxiety.
IV sedation is the most powerful form of sedation dentistry. As its name suggests, this option delivers the sedative directly to your bloodstream through a small needle on your arm or the back of your hand. Right away, you’ll fall into a dreamlike state of relaxation and will remain calm and comfortable as we work. We’ll monitor you closely and adjust your level of sedation at any time if necessary. You’ll still feel very groggy after your appointment, and once a friend or family member drives you home, you should plan on resting for the remainder of the day.
What Is IV Sedation?

IV sedation is a sedation method that is administered intravenously, or directly into the bloodstream. This allows for the effects to kick in more quickly than other forms of sedation. During this process, the patient remains conscious, but they don’t usually remember anything during the procedure. This is because the patient is in a deep state of relaxation – even more so than nitrous oxide sedation. We monitor the patient’s vitals the entire time. Because the effects can take up to an entire day for them to wear off, it is important that a trusted friend or family member drops off and picks up the patient from their appointment.
Who Is a Good Candidate for IV Sedation?

IV sedation is most commonly used in oral surgeries and long procedures. It can help to lessen high levels of anxiety and phobias associated with the dentist. Additionally, patients who have overactive gag reflexes, TMJ dysfunction, or other neuromuscular issues that might make it difficult to keep their mouth open for a long period of time can often benefit from IV sedation. Before your treatment, Dr. Antoon will take the time to talk to you about your anxiety level, medical history, health history, and any medications you are taking to determine if IV sedation is an ideal solution to meet your needs.
The Benefits of IV Sedation

There are all sorts of benefits that patients can experience when they opt for IV sedation. Here are just some of them:
- The deep state of relaxation that IV sedation provides helps to prevent additional stress-related, negative dental memories that can keep patients from coming to the dentist.
- The effects take place quickly because it is administered directly into the bloodstream.
- The dental team controls the flow of medication throughout the treatment, so patients receive a constant state of relaxation.
- Allows patients to improve their dental health despite having dental anxiety.
Is Sedation Dentistry Right for Me?

Dental anxiety is real, and millions of people in the United States reschedule and/or cancel their dental appointments because of it. This unfortunate problem causes individuals to forgo regular oral healthcare, resulting in more serious problems that lead to restorative or emergency treatment in an attempt to save a person’s natural teeth. At Antoon Family Dental, we believe in providing solutions that mitigate fear and anxiety and instead, offer a safe and successful experience for both patients and staff.
If you are anxious or nervous about your upcoming visit, then you may be a candidate for nitrous oxide. Typically, it is recommended for patients who:
- Experience dental-related fears or anxieties.
- Have a strong gag reflex.
- Have very sensitive teeth.
- Get neck, back, or jaw pain.
- Are undergoing a long or complex treatment.
- Don’t respond well to numbing medication.
However, certain situations may disqualify you from being a candidate for sedation dentistry, such as having elevated blood pressure, being pregnant, and having certain medical conditions.
Are you ready to leave anxiety-inducing trips to the dentist in the past? Then contact our office and ask our team about dental technology and comforts at Antoon Family Dental!
Sedation Dentistry FAQs
Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?
When administered by a highly experienced dentist like Dr. Antoon, sedation dentistry is incredibly safe. Dr. Antoon has been providing gentle and stress-free dentistry since 1990 and regularly completes continuing education to stay current with the latest breakthroughs in dentistry. He has helped countless patients get the important oral healthcare they need in a relaxing and comfortable setting thanks to sedation dentistry. No matter what form of dental sedation is right for you, our team will carefully monitor you throughout your entire treatment to ensure you are as safe as possible.
Does Sedation Dentistry Put You to Sleep?
Sedation dentistry doesn’t put patients to sleep or make them unconscious, which makes it a safer option. However, this surprises many patients once they’ve completed their treatment. Dental sedation will make you feel completely oblivious to the sensations that would typically cause you distress, and it’s possible that you will experience an amnesiac effect, which means you won’t remember anything about your time with sedation. You’ll remain conscious enough to follow simple instructions while using sedation dentistry, but you’ll feel as if you’re in a dream-like state.
What Does Being Sedated at the Dentist Feel Like?
What dental sedation feels like will vary from patient to patient. That being said, there are various feelings you can expect from each type of option. Nitrous oxide is a light but reliable form of dental sedation. While breathing in the colorless, odorless gas, you’ll likely feel light and airy, as well as completely at ease. Alternatively, a more powerful option like IV dental sedation will cause a more pronounced feeling of grogginess and heaviness. Regardless of which type of sedation dentistry you choose to move forward with, our experienced team will watch you closely to make sure you remain comfortable and relaxed.
Is Sedation Dentistry Expensive?
How much sedation dentistry in Plano costs depends on a variety of factors, including the type you’ve chosen and the length of your procedure. We’ll be able to give you a custom estimate of how much sedation dentistry will add to the final cost of your treatment during your initial consultation. In some cases, dental insurance will provide some coverage. Alternatively, our knowledgeable front desk staff can help you explore your payment options.
Is Sedation Dentistry Just for Patients with Dental Anxiety?
Sedation dentistry has been used to help a wide variety of patients receive the comfortable care they deserve, including patients with:
- Very sensitive teeth or an overactive gag reflex
- A resistance to numbing medications alone
- Jaw, neck, back, or shoulder problems that make sitting in the examination chair uncomfortable
Will I remember anything with dental sedation?
You will technically be awake with most forms of sedation, but you probably won’t remember much of the procedure. IV sedation is more likely to make you forget your procedure than nitrous oxide. The memory loss sedation effect can make getting dental care easier for patients with extreme anxiety or negative past dental experiences.
Will I feel any pain with dental sedation?
Sedation will keep you awake, but it suppresses your body’s ability to register pain. Depending on the procedure you are undergoing, your dentist will likely numb the area with a local anesthetic. This way, you won’t have to worry about pain at all!
Does dental sedation make you tell secrets?
Contrary to popular belief, dental sedation isn’t a “truth serum.” You are very unlikely to reveal deep secrets while sedated. Even if you did happen to say something you normally wouldn’t while under sedation, it will always be kept within the walls of the dental treatment room.
Can dental sedation make you sick?
It is quite rare to experience nausea with nitrous oxide sedation. IV sedation has elevated risks of nausea due to its stronger effects. If you are prone to nausea, don’t hesitate to let your dentist know. They may be able to help.