All-On-4 Dental Implants Plano

Get a Whole New Row of Teeth In a Day!

Senior woman hugging senior man from side

You may think implants won’t work if you’ve lost many teeth. After all, wouldn’t you need a separate implant post for each missing tooth? The treatment may sound invasive in that case. Truthfully, though, you could try All-On-4 dental implants in Plano instead. These can restore your whole smile with just four posts! As for how that’s possible, Antoon Family Dental will gladly explain. Simply continue reading or (better yet) book a consultation at our office!

Why Choose Antoon Family Dental For All-On-4 Dental Implants?

  • Antoon Partners with Local Implant Specialists in Plano
  • In-Office Financing to Help Lower Out-of-Pocket Costs
  • Dentist-Owned Practice Serving the Area for Decades

How Do All-On-4 Implants Work?

Denture being attached to dental implant

Remember, implants are the ultimate tooth replacement. Their features make them lifelike and let them fuse with your jaw. That said, setting a post in each empty socket can be wasteful, especially if the patient has low jawbone density. Instead, it’s better to maximize the use of fewer implants.

Given these facts, dentists created All-On-4 dental implants. They support an entire arch of teeth with only four posts. Two are placed at the jaw’s front, while the others are near the back at an angle. When they’ve all properly fused, they secure a final, full denture.

Am I a Candidate for All-On-4 Implants?

Senior man with glasses sitting in dental chair

If you’ve lost most (or all) of your teeth along an arch, you likely are a good All-On-4 candidate. However, you should also keep a few other things in mind.

For starters, even patients with weak jaws can be eligible for All-On-4 implants. The latter are placed at an angle requiring less jawbone density. That means you could get them without a prior bone graft.

At the same time, these implants require good oral health. They won’t work if you don’t maintain good dental hygiene. Also, you’ll want to quit bad oral habits to prevent implant failure.

Benefits of All-On-4 Implants

Male dental patient checking smile in handheld mirror

With All-On-4 dental implants, you’ll enjoy a wide range of perks. The most common ones are:

  • Lifelike Results – Given their materials, All-On-4 implants (and their dentures) blend seamlessly with the rest of your smile. They also won’t slip or fall, so they’ll feel as natural as your original teeth.
  • Permanence – Dentures attached to All-On-4 implants are permanent. As such, you can brush your new teeth like regular ones; they don’t need removal.
  • Easier Eating – All-On-4 implants (like regular ones) restore much of your bite force. In other words, they’ll help you enjoy tough foods.
  • A Younger Face – By maintaining your jaw’s bone tissue, All-On-4 implants prevent facial collapse. That means they’ll keep your face looking full and vibrant. 

All-On-4 vs. Traditional Implants

Illustration of dentures being attached to All-on-4 dental implants in Plano

All-On-4 implants may seem similar to traditional ones. Even so, the two types differ in several ways. These include the following:

  • Implant Posts – Implant dentures can take up to eight posts, so All-On-4 implants are more cost-effective. They also involve less surgery.  
  • Treatment Speed – Typically, patients don’t need a bone graft to get All-On-4 implants. For that reason, they can save you months of treatment time.
  • Treatment Timing – With All-On-4 implants, the dentist can place a denture on the same day as your implant surgery. You’d then enjoy your new teeth right away.