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Plano emergency dentist treats immediate dental problems

April 25, 2016

Are you experiencing a toothache or cracked tooth? Dr. Sam Antoon, Plano emergency dentist, accommodates immediate needs with same-day appointments.What should you do in a dental emergency? The first step is a call to Plano Emergency dentist, Dr. Sam Antoon. He will advise you on the best course of action, and he accommodates urgent dental matters the same day during regular business hours.

What constitutes a dental emergency

When in doubt about the condition of your teeth and gums, call Antoon Family Dental right away. Dr. Antoon or a dedicated and caring staff member can help you determine what you should do to alleviate your pain, prevent further damage and get the right treatment as soon as possible.

In general, a dental emergency take many forms, including:

  • A serious, throbbing toothache and drainage from decay or abscess (infection)
  • Jaw or gum swelling
  • Extreme tooth sensitivity from a lost filling or crown
  • Broken denture or bridge
  • Bleeding from a laceration to the lips, tongue, gums or other soft tissues of the mouth
  • Broken tooth
  • Avulsed (knocked out) tooth

What to do before seeing the dentist

In addition to calling your Plano, TX emergency dentist, there are dental first aid measures that stabilize your emergency until you receive treatment.

For instance, if you are struck in the face during an auto accident or sports and suspect jaw fracture or cannot quell bleeding, get to the nearest hospital emergency room. If a sudden blow causes tooth loss, try replacing the tooth into the empty socket. Hold it in place while getting to Antoon Family Dental. If this is not possible, place the tooth between the cheek and gum, or in a sealed plastic bag with milk or over the counter tooth preservative.

The American Association of Endodontists maintains that many avulsed teeth can be reimplanted successfully if treated within one hour of injury. Also, the Plano emergency dentist repairs cracked or chipped teeth with crowns, porcelain veneers or composite resin bonding. He recommends saving pieces of the tooth to bring to the dental office.

For dental abscesses and related swelling, treat with over the counter ibuprofen to reduce swelling and relieve pain. A cold compress applied to the jaw reduces related swelling. Many dental abscesses respond well to endodontic, or root canal therapy, which removes diseased inner pulp and crowns the tooth for years of additional service. Root canal therapy is a great alternative to tooth extraction.

Protect your teeth and gums

Avoid dental injury by being proactive. Wear a mouthguard during sports. Don’t chew hard items such as ice cubes or pencil tops. Avoid taffy, peanut brittle and other tooth-breaking foods. Call Dr. Sam Antoon at the first sign of a problem.

Most of all, practice good dental hygiene. Brush and floss daily, and come to Antoon Family Dental every 6 months for an oral exam and cleaning. Dr. Antoon spots dental problems before they become painful, complicated and costly.

Remember, call right away

Contact Dr. Antoon immediately when a problem arises. For new patients, he offers a limited dental examination and x-rays for $25.