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Antoon Family Dental of Plano Blog

A Reminder from Your Dentist: Make Your Mouth a Priority!

June 7, 2018

health conceptEveryone knows that if you don’t take care of your teeth, you’re going to end up with bad breath and cavities. You might even end up losing your teeth altogether. But the consequences of poor oral health habits can go so much deeper! In fact, what happens in your mouth can have far-reaching consequences for the rest of your body. Your dentist in Plano is here to explain just what can happen to your overall health if you don’t give your teeth and gums the attention they deserve.


Your Dentist in Plano Promote Your Comfort with the Latest Technologies

May 19, 2018

dentist viewing x-rayNew dental technologies continue to transform the entire office experience for patients. With each new growth in advanced technology, it provides significant changes to a dental practice. Not only do they provide greater treatment capabilities, but more accurate and precise diagnosis. In addition to improving the quality of care needed to promote your oral health, they also allow you to benefit from a more comfortable office visit. By embracing these changes, your dentist in Plano can deliver a higher level of care.

Your Plano Family Dentist Explains What Hand Hygiene Day Is

May 7, 2018

A person washing their hands.May 5th is World Hand Hygiene Day. This day is set aside to remind us of the importance of consistent hand washing in order to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria. We use our hands for everything, and you might be surprised at how often you touch your face, nose, or mouth without even realizing it. These touches, even though they’re small and quick, can spread germs and cause you to get ill. In today’s blog, your Plano family dentist explains how World Hand Hygiene Day helps us remember the connection between washing our hands and reducing diseases and illness.


Family Dentist in Plano Urges Mouthguards in ALL Sports

April 13, 2018

youth athleteYou wouldn’t think of sending your child out onto the court or field without all of the proper equipment — but does that include a custom-fitted mouthguard? Your family dentist in Plano urges you not to forget about this crucial piece of protection. It can provide important cushioning your child’s growing smile, even in sports you may not think are all that risky. Keep reading to find out more about mouthguards, including where you can find one in Plano!


Dentist in Plano on Why You Should Replace a Molar

portrait of couple embracingWhat’s the point in replacing a tooth you can’t see? A lot. Your dentist in Plano warns failing to do so can lead to serious issues — not the least of which is losing even more teeth down the line. Keep reading to learn more about the significant impact of tooth loss, even when it’s the premolars and molars at the back of your smile.


Your Dentist in Plano Says It’s Wise to Extract Your Wisdom Tooth

March 20, 2018

x-ray image of impacted wisdom toothThere are several dental milestones that you pass through as you age. As a toddler, your parents celebrated the first signs of tooth eruption. Then as you got a little older, they rejoiced every time you lost a tooth. There are some occasions, though, that aren’t that exciting – one being the eruption of your wisdom teeth that occurs between your late teens and early twenties. In fact, the arrival of these teeth can create problems, and when they do, your dentist in Plano says they need to be extracted. As you continue reading, you’ll learn more about why these teeth can be troublesome and the best way to restore your oral health.


Tooth Pain? Your Dentist in Plano Says You Made Need a Root Canal

March 2, 2018

woman pointing to inflamed gumsIt has a become a standard adjustment for you to chew on one side of your mouth and carefully drink liquids. This is because of the tooth pain that you’ve been experiencing. You’re so tired of the situation that you’re considering just having the troublesome tooth pulled, but your dentist in Plano says you should rethink that and weigh all your options. Learn why he is a proponent of performing a root canal procedure as opposed to extracting a tooth as you continue reading.


Why are X-Rays Important? Your Family Dentist of Plano Explains

February 10, 2018

dentist holding tablet with digital x-raySince the emergence of X-Ray technology in dentistry in the 1950’s, patients have benefited exponentially. This is because professionals have been able to facilitate faster healing by gaining a greater understanding of what and where there are problems with the bone structures of the mouth, which is why your family dentist of Plano advocates taking X-Ray photos. He finds that this technological breakthrough that first appeared in the late 19th century is still super effective in helping to deliver the best care. But the help that he can offer is contingent upon you taking advantage of your preventive dentistry visits. Learn why they are so important as you continue reading.


Does Oral Health Depend on Genetics? Family Dentist of Plano Weighs in

February 2, 2018

chromosome dna gene blue and red

Since the late 1990’s there has been an explosion in research in genetic science, and almost weekly there are new discoveries being announced. These breakthroughs have created ripple effects in almost any industry or profession that you can think of, including dentistry. Evidence of this is found in a recent study that has revealed that 60% of the risk of tooth decay seems to be related to genetics. Findings like these are game changers and foreshadow a whole new field, loosely being called genetic dentistry. The bottom line, though, is how does this relate to you and your oral health? As you continue reading, your family dentist of Plano will reveal the answers you’ve been looking for.


Do I Need to Have My Tooth Extracted? Your Dentist in Plano Explains

January 5, 2018

left hand holding extracted toothOnce you get past the ages of 10 or 11, a tooth loss is not celebrated. In fact, it’s a matter of concern. That’s why you’re worried and disappointed at the mere consideration of having a tooth pulled. You want to be sure that it’s an absolute necessity and that all other options have been exhausted. So to help clear any confusion, your dentist in Plano is weighing in to explain why you would need a tooth extraction in certain situations, and how your oral function can be restored.
