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Antoon Family Dental Blog

6 Warning Signs That You Need Dentures in Plano

November 5, 2018

older woman smiling with white hairYour teeth play a significant role in maintaining your overall health because they are integral in the digestion of your food. Furthermore, they support your facial structure and allow you to speak with clarity. When there are frequent lapses in your oral health, the possibility of needing dentures heightens. As you read on, you’ll learn about 6 warning signs that you may need dentures in Plano.


Tips from Your Dentist in Plano on Creating an Emergency Dental Kit

October 24, 2018

Dental first aid kit

Most people do a pretty good job of brushing, flossing and seeing their dentist in Plano on a regular basis. But have you ever thought of keeping a dental emergency kit on hand for unexpected situations? A little preparation can make all the difference when unforeseen circumstances come knocking at your door.


What Can Happen If You Skip Visits to Your Dentist in Plano

October 23, 2018

Patient sitting in dental chairLife keeps all of us busy. The demands of work, family and so many other things can make even the most conscientious of us a little forgetful. Still, some things are too important to overlook. One of these is making regular visits to your dentist in Plano. Skipping these appointments can set you up for a number of dental health problems.


Implant Dentist in Plano Can Complete Your Smile after Gum Disease

September 1, 2018

gum diseaseThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates at least 50% of adults have a form of periodontal disease, an infection that develops in the gum tissue. While it is treatable in the early stages, it often goes undetected. As it progresses in severity, it leads to serious complications, like tooth loss. In fact, it is a leading cause of missing teeth in the U.S. If you have found yourself among those who have an incomplete smile, you can fill the spaces with the help of your implant dentist in Plano. Even those who have gum disease can enjoy dental implants.

How an Implant Dentist in Plano Can Help with Missing Teeth

August 22, 2018

Happy woman smilingAccording to a National Health and Nutritional Examination, Americans have an average of only 26.9 out of 32 teeth left by the time they hit ages 20-34 so if you have a missing tooth, you’re not alone. A missing tooth is an obvious image problem, as the gap created is very noticeable, but what if we told you that’s the least of your worries? Absent teeth can damage your personal health in various ways. Therefore, it’s important to address their tooth loss sooner rather than later. An implant dentist in Plano discusses the health risks of missing teeth and why dental implants are a great replacement option.


Do You Have Dental Anxiety? A Dentist in Plano Can Help!

July 25, 2018

man stressedDo you find yourself making excuses to skip your next dental appointment? Have you pushed off going to the dentist for years, even though you may be experiencing severe pain in your mouth? If the thought of sitting in the dentist’s chair causes you severe stress and anxiety, you are not alone. Each year, millions of Americans avoid seeing a dental professional because they struggle with severe dental anxiety or phobia. However, skipping out on regular dental visits can have an adverse impact on one’s oral health. If you want to learn more about the causes of dental anxiety and phobia and how to better cope, read what a dentist in Plano has to say below.


Family Dentist in Plano, Why Does My Tongue Hurt?

July 24, 2018

lip glossy smile and tongueOuch! A sore tongue can be quite painful in and of itself. But if the pain also makes eating difficult, then that’s double the trouble. There are number of reasons why you may have a sore tongue, and that often dictates treatment. Read on for more information from a family dentist in Plano.


A Reminder from Your Dentist: Make Your Mouth a Priority!

June 7, 2018

health conceptEveryone knows that if you don’t take care of your teeth, you’re going to end up with bad breath and cavities. You might even end up losing your teeth altogether. But the consequences of poor oral health habits can go so much deeper! In fact, what happens in your mouth can have far-reaching consequences for the rest of your body. Your dentist in Plano is here to explain just what can happen to your overall health if you don’t give your teeth and gums the attention they deserve.


Your Dentist in Plano Promote Your Comfort with the Latest Technologies

May 19, 2018

dentist viewing x-rayNew dental technologies continue to transform the entire office experience for patients. With each new growth in advanced technology, it provides significant changes to a dental practice. Not only do they provide greater treatment capabilities, but more accurate and precise diagnosis. In addition to improving the quality of care needed to promote your oral health, they also allow you to benefit from a more comfortable office visit. By embracing these changes, your dentist in Plano can deliver a higher level of care.

Your Plano Family Dentist Explains What Hand Hygiene Day Is

May 7, 2018

A person washing their hands.May 5th is World Hand Hygiene Day. This day is set aside to remind us of the importance of consistent hand washing in order to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria. We use our hands for everything, and you might be surprised at how often you touch your face, nose, or mouth without even realizing it. These touches, even though they’re small and quick, can spread germs and cause you to get ill. In today’s blog, your Plano family dentist explains how World Hand Hygiene Day helps us remember the connection between washing our hands and reducing diseases and illness.
