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Are Broken Dentures a Dental Emergency?

May 15, 2024

set of dentures in a glass of water

Missing teeth can make eating, speaking, and smiling challenging and may leave you feeling self-conscious. While there are various options for replacing lost teeth, dentures are one of the most popular solutions. These restorations offer numerous benefits but are not immune to damage. If you have a broken denture, you might wonder if this situation warrants a visit to your emergency dentist. Here’s what you should do if your denture breaks, why this happens, and how your dentist can repair your dentures.

4 Ways That Dentures Can Become Damaged

While modern dentures are designed to be strong and durable, they can still sustain damage from various factors, such as:

  • Accidents – Accidents like being hit in the mouth or dropping your dentures can result in them breaking.
  • Bone loss – This might not break your dentures, but it can cause a poor fit, requiring adjustment or replacement.
  • Improper use – Using your dentures to open bottles, cut your nails, or chew on ice and other non-food items can damage them.
  • Wear and tear – Although dentures typically last between five to ten years, regular wear and tear will eventually necessitate their replacement.

What Should You Do with A Broken Denture?

Now that you know what can cause a broken denture, what should you do if it happens to you? As soon as your dentures break, contact your dentist for an examination. While breaking your dentures isn’t life-threatening, it’s best to have them checked promptly. Once you’ve explained the situation, your dentist will help you schedule an appointment.

You might consider using over-the-counter denture repair kits, but it’s usually not a good idea. Without proper knowledge, you could accidentally cause more damage. It’s best to let your dentist handle the repairs.

3 Ways to Fix a Broken Denture

Once your dentist examines your denture, they will determine the best course of action. Possible ways to repair broken dentures include:

  • Reline – If your dentures don’t fit well due to bone loss, your dentist might suggest a reline. This involves reshaping the underside of your denture to improve its fit on your gums.
  • Replace – If your denture is broken and cannot be fixed, you’ll probably need to get a new one.
  • Dental implants – If you’re eligible for implant-retained dentures, which anchor to your mouth using titanium posts, your dentist might suggest switching to them.

Experiencing a broken denture can be distressing, but your dentist is there to assist you. Contact them promptly after the incident to begin the process of restoring your smile. With their expertise and guidance, you’ll soon be back on track to enjoying a confident and functional smile.

About the Practice

Located in Plano, Antoon Family Dental is dedicated to providing exceptional dental care under the leadership of Dr. Sam Antoon. Our practice offers a wide array of preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatments, including emergency dental procedures. We prioritize patient comfort and satisfaction, striving to be a trusted dental provider in the community. Our realistic dentures feature a gum-colored acrylic base and are individually tailored to resemble and function like natural teeth, ensuring you regain your ability to speak, laugh, and smile confidently. To learn more about our denture options or to schedule an appointment at Antoon Family Dental, please visit our website or call (972)-530-7979.