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Your Dentist in Plano Says It’s Wise to Extract Your Wisdom Tooth

March 20, 2018

x-ray image of impacted wisdom toothThere are several dental milestones that you pass through as you age. As a toddler, your parents celebrated the first signs of tooth eruption. Then as you got a little older, they rejoiced every time you lost a tooth. There are some occasions, though, that aren’t that exciting – one being the eruption of your wisdom teeth that occurs between your late teens and early twenties. In fact, the arrival of these teeth can create problems, and when they do, your dentist in Plano says they need to be extracted. As you continue reading, you’ll learn more about why these teeth can be troublesome and the best way to restore your oral health.

Complications Associated with Wisdom Teeth

The main problem that can arise with the eruption of a wisdom tooth is impaction, which is when the tooth is either partially or fully covered by the gums.

This can cause a host of problems like:

  • Healthy teeth can be damaged as impacted wisdom teeth push against your neighboring second molars.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth can suffer from decay or become infected because they’re hard to reach with your toothbrush and floss.
  • The accelerated tooth decay can lead to gum disease if not treated in time.
  • Another problem with impacted teeth, is that fluid-filled cysts or tumors can form around the base, causing damage to the jawbone, nerves in the area and nearby teeth.

What You Should Know Before Your Tooth Extraction Procedure

Before visiting your dentist for a tooth extraction procedure, here some things to keep in mind:

  • Bring a Driver – The anesthesia that your dentist will use to numb your mouth during the procedure may take a few hours to wear off, so it’s important to have a driver to safely transport you home after your appointment.
  • Keep Your Head up – Typically, post-surgery inflammation reaches its peak around 24 hours after the procedure, so if this happens don’t be alarmed. Just be sure to keep your head elevated to reduce the swelling.
  • Get Your Rest – Nothing beats rest. So to encourage your face and mouth to heal faster, give yourself the relaxation that you need to activate your internal recovery mechanisms.
  • Rely on Soft Foods – So that you don’t agitate or infect the surgery site, rely on soft food for at least the first 24 hours after your surgery. Some good examples are apple sauce, whipped potatoes and yogurt.
  • Avoid the Toothbrush – It’s Ironic for your dentist to instruct you to avoid the toothbrush, but it’s necessary immediately after the extraction procedure is completed. To be safe, wait 24 – 48 hours before you resume brushing your teeth. And when you do, be sure to be very careful and gentle.

So now that you’re wiser about the importance of removing your wisdom tooth, if it becomes troublesome, don’t hesitate to reach out to your family dentist in Plano to have your impacted tooth addressed. The quicker you act, the less damage that can be caused, and the faster you’ll be back to your normal life.

About the Author

Dr. Sam Antoon offers state-of-the-art, advanced and expert care from his Antoon Family Dental practice. He can be reached for more information about his services through his website.