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You Should Change Out Your Toothbrush Often

August 26, 2015

Know when the right time is to buy a new toothbrush.With the exception of taxes and death, nothing lasts forever – including your toothbrush. Over time, your toothbrush can wear down and do the same to your teeth. Taking care of your teeth is very important for your oral health and to help keep your smile looking bright and beautiful. There are many things you can do to help take care of your toothbrush. At our office in Plano, TX, we do a lot more than just perform procedures on patients. We also offer advice and tips on various dental subjects, including how to care for your toothbrush. It’s an important tool in your oral-health belt that can keep your smile looking and feeling beautiful. Dr. Sam Antoon is the dentist Plano, TX residents can trust to help keep their oral health in fantastic shape.

Taking Care of Your Toothbrush

First things first, are you using the right toothbrush to begin with? Your toothbrush should have soft bristles, not hard ones. It’s gentle against your teeth and allows for slight rubbing instead of uncomfortably hard strokes.

“How can I take great care of my toothbrush?”

A toothbrush can be a breeding ground for germs, fungus and other harmful bacteria. Think about where you keep your toothbrush. Is it in the bathroom nearest to the toilet? Is it stowed in a cupboard? If it’s near your sink and out in the open, be sure to keep it as dry as possible. If you leave it wet, you’re only inviting fungus and bacteria to throw a party on the bristles. Now, think about that same toothbrush moving over all of your teeth the following morning. You’re essentially brushing your teeth with the same fungus and bacteria you removed. This is bad news for any smile, so it’s best to keep your toothbrush dry and in an upright position. This will allow any excess water to drain from the bristles.

“How often should I buy a new toothbrush?”

It’s a good rule of thumb to change out toothbrushes every three months. Studies have shown that toothbrushes are less effective at removing plaque and tartar after three months of normal wear. The bristles can break down and lose their effectiveness in removing bacteria. If you’ve been suffering through a cold or flu, it’s best to throw your old one away and buy a brand new one. You don’t want to brush your teeth with a flu-infected toothbrush, do you? Germs can hide in the bristles and lead to you getting sick again. These are great tips for McKinney, Richardson and Allen patients, too.

More Questions? Contact Our Office

If you have any questions regarding when to replace your toothbrush or other general dentistry inquiries, we can help. Our Plano, TX office houses some of the best dental professionals in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, and we want you to receive excellent treatment from them. Call our office today!