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Want to Avoid a Dental Emergency in Plano? Be Prepared

January 31, 2019

You have a toothache. Is it a cavity, or something else? Find out from your Plano, TX dentist, Sam Antoon, DMD.Want to avoid a dental emergency in Plano? Self-care like regular brushing and flossing is important. But so is seeing your dentist for oral exams and cleanings. Otherwise a problem could sneak up on you when you least expect it, like when you’re about to go on a spring getaway or summer vacation.

What Do Cavities and Car Trouble Have in Common?

Has this ever happened to you? You’re on your way to work or school when you notice your car making a strange noise. Your intuition tells you to get the vehicle to a mechanic right away. But you decide to put it off for a while.

As time goes on you get used to the noise and forget about taking the car to a shop. This goes on for a few weeks or months until one day you find yourself stranded on the side of the road.

As you call the tow service, you feel like kicking yourself for your shortsightedness. “Next time I’ll know better,” you say as you settle into your disabled vehicle for a long, uncomfortable wait.

Most of us have been in a similar situation at some point in our lives. The lessons that apply to auto maintenance are important for our teeth and gums as well. Most dental problems start out as minor symptoms. Your teeth start to hurt a bit when you drink something cold. You notice that one of your molars feels a little loose.

You think about seeing a dentist but, as with the car example above, you decide to wait. Finally, at the worst possible time, you wake up in the middle of the night with an agonizing toothache.

You put your plans on hold for the next few days as you track down an emergency dentist in Plano. As for your upcoming trip, the one that you scrimped and saved for, you have no choice but to kiss it goodbye.

Don’t let this happen to you. Most dental problems start out as minor annoyances. But you can bet they won’t stay that way for long. Seeing your dentist twice a year for a cleaning and oral exam allows a trained dental professional to catch problems before they turn into serious issues.

At this point you may be shrugging your shoulders and saying, “no worries. I brush and floss every day.” That’s great; brushing and flossing are essential for enjoying good oral health. By themselves, however, they’re not enough. No amount of brushing can remove all the plaque and tartar on your teeth. Only professional care can do the job.

The reasons for seeing your dentist go beyond cavity prevention. Many serious health conditions first show up in the mouth or throat. Letting your dentist check you out is important, not only for your physical health but your peace of mind as well.

Summer will be here before you know it. Don’t spend your hard-earned days off nursing a toothache. See your dentist soon; then start planning for the best vacation of your life.

About the Author

Dr. Sam Antoon has been practicing dentistry for almost 30 years. Dr. Antoon earned his DMD degree from the Southern Illinois School of Dental Medicine and keeps his skills current through ongoing training and education. You can reach his office online or by calling (972) 267-5000.